Friday, September 17, 2010

We Are Making Moves

Wow, can you believe this is already our fourth week of kindergarten? We have been busy learning so many new things. In Language Arts we continued our Unit 1 study, “School”. We are getting better at rhyming, more and more each day. Please continue to play rhyming games with your child at home to help them practice this skill. Rhyme Time is a game you can play with your kindergartner as you prepare dinner. In this game, you and your child will work together to see how many rhyming words you can come up within a minute (The sillier the better). Also, in Language Arts, we started our Letter Sounds Unit; for every letter we explored, we created a movement to help us remember. So far, we have learned the sounds for short and long vowel /a/, /b/, and /c/. Next week we’ll explore the letters /d/ and /e/.

This week we also started our Star Reading Log. Every Monday your child will bring a book home to read throughout the week. Students should return their Star Reader Log, book, and Ziploc Baggie back to school on Friday, so they can read to me and earn their star sticker. Once students have earned their star sticker for a book they can add that book to their collection at home (an old shoebox works well for storage of Decodable Books).

In Math we continued to explore numbers 1-20. We practiced counting, writing, and recognizing these numbers. Number recognition and writing can sometimes be a challenge for students. Please continue to practice counting and recognizing these numbers with your child. We also learned the game “Top-It” in math this week. Ask your kindergartner to teach you how to play it at home.

Please remember to send a healthy snack with your kindergartner each day. We would like to thank those parents who donated snacks to the class. We are enjoying them!

Also if you have not signed up for Fall Conferences, please contact me as soon as possible to do so.

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Great Week

What a great week! The kindergartners have been working hard to learn all the new routines and procedures here at Beye School.

In Language Arts, we have been reading stories and songs that rhyme. We really enjoyed reading and acting out the rhymes, “I’m a Little Teapot” and “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe”. Also, this week, we shared some fun things that we like to do with our friends and families.

In math, we explored numbers 0-15 and we began counting down to the 100th day of school. The kindergartners are already discussing what activities and games we should organize to celebrate this special day. We also had our first “Munchie Math” lesson. It was yummy!

I would like to thank all those families that were able to join me for Curriculum Night. The students were thrilled when they entered this morning to find the special love notes left at their seats. The looks on their faces were simply priceless.

Our Wonderful Room Coordinators are:

Victoria Wipf

Jocelyn Adkins

Here’s to Another Great Week!