Friday, December 17, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Break We Go!

Wow, what a busy month December has been. We have worked so hard learning all of our letters and sounds. We have added fifteen new words and ten names to our word wall and we have read several version of the Gingerbread Man story. Ask your kindergartner which story was their favorite. Over break please help your kindergartner continue to practice reading the sight words.

In math we have been focusing on counting and reading numbers 0-50. To practice, we've played many games like, Rainbow, Top-It, and Give Me 5. Over break please continue to help your child with recognizing, counting, and writing numbers from 0-100.

In science we wrapped-up our "Moon" unit. We have fun learning all about the moon phases and some of the other objects in our solar system. Ask your kindergartner about the red dot on Jupiter or the rings around Saturn. When we return to school in January we will begin our "Water" unit. It will certainly be a splashing good time.

I am very happy and sad to share that Brody G. will be leaving our class and moving to Mrs. Louthan's class in January. We are all very proud of him and we wish the best of luck.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for the generous holiday gifts and treats. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a hard-working, caring, and fun-loving group of students. Thank you for sharing them with me.

Have a wonderful and safe winter break.
See you all next year!

Mrs. Childress