Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Canned Food Drive

Hello Beye Family!

The third graders are doing a little canned food drive to help the homeless and hungry during the Thanksgiving season. They have been talking about how important it is to help others and have compassion. We have so much to be thankful for!

Please spread the word to your kids. They can bring in canned food and put it on the table in the Commons.

Beye School's Third Grade

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Last week we welcomed Mrs. Allen as the new assistant in our classroom. Mrs. Allen holds a degree in Early Childhood Special Education. She is a wife and mother of two kids that attend Lincoln Elementary in Oak Park. She is very excited to work with us this year.

Mrs. Woodall thanks you all for the very generous gift certificate to the teacher store. She has already used it to buy supplies for her first grade classroom.

In language arts we completed our “Shadows” units. We explored the sounds for the letters /p/, /q/, /r/, /s/, and /t/. We also spelled many cvc words and read our seventh decodable book. Next week we will wrap-up our sounds study and begin unit 3. Please continue to help your child practice rhyming and punching out words. Ask your kindergartner to show you how we punch out words.

In science the students also investigated how some objects cast shadows and others do not. We also drew silhouettes of each other. Next week we will begin our study of the “Moon”. If you have books or artifacts that you would like to share with the class during our study please feel free to send them to school with your child. We will return all artifacts/books at the end of our study.

In math we explored reading and writing teen numbers and comparing sizes of objects. We also played the “Rainbows” game. Next week we will compare the length of objects and grouping numbers. Please continue to help your child with reading and writing numbers. This is an on-going skill that we will work on this year.

Upcoming Events:

November 23rd Field Trip to Cernan Earth and Space Center. Permission slip will be sent home Monday, November 15th.

November 24th Institute Day (No School for students)

November 25th and 26th Thanksgiving Break (No School)

Please visit the Student Work Blog to see what your kindergartner has been up to.

Have a Great Week!